Book News

Tilly the ex-bookshop, now internet bookselling Collie!

Tilly paying attention!

Since her adoption from the Spot Collie Rescue Centre, Tilly really enjoyed and documented her time in the bookshop.

Initially customer relations, but soon finding her role more in the security and inspection field, she sat for 8 years in the bookshop, watching the world go by. She also ran a successful Young Readers Club.

Following the transfer of the bookshop to @darling-reads she now works from home.

Certainly she misses the company and the craic, only being enlivened by the visiting delivery people and sometimes feels a bit mopey. Despite the current “lockdown” she enjoys her walks and her dinners! So her bookselling career continues albeit in a different form and she and we look forward to hearing from you.

Relaxing at home